Friday, December 12, 2008

Bettie Page is dead

12/11/08 85 years old

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I give you the New World rder.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Seems like a reasonable request to me


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So did you?

Cause I did! The morning commute is scary in a cage but on a bike it's just awesome.

Oh and 44 days left as a single man and counting.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

LA to Illinois

2253 Miles in three days.

I still can't feel the right side of my ass.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tax season is over!

And now I can get back to my life. This weekend for instance, we are working on the grounds at the farm. We had a crew come in and cut down trees and remove old bushes. They cut back the encroaching woods and cleared the mess out of the old orchard. The place looks like a tornado came through it, in a good way. So this weekend we are going to clean and haul and cut. GOOD TIMES! I’m really looking forward to it but Patience has been chomping at the bit about it for a week! We have already hauled about a ton of mulch and woodchips. The dogs are loving it. They have fresh smelly stuff to roll in and we are all outside for extended periods “playing”. That’s pretty much doggy heaven.

We have Friday off and I was planning on taking Monday too but there are some work things that have to happen Monday morning so that got nixed. I am, however, taking Tuesday through Sunday off. Why you ask? Go ahead ask…….I’m flying to LA to pick up a motorcycle and drive it across the country. Now that’s a good time! Evenings for the last two weeks have been spent getting my touring gear prepped and setting up my route. I swear I love that part almost as much as the actual trip. It’s is just so much freaking fun. It’s where you work out all the contingencies you can and plan and re-plan, route and re-route. Seriously that’s a good time.

The short version of the trip is fly in to LA on Tuesday. Check over bike. Load bike with gear. Drive to Palm springs. Eat dinner and sleep.

1) Get up at oh dear god it’s early. Drive to 550 miles (Tucson).

2) Repeat.

3) Repeat + Stop and visit old friend and his family

4) 550 and sleep in own bed on Saturday

Now tell me that doesn’t sound like fun. I’m heading the southernmost route as the mountain passes are still very heavy with snow. That’s not really a hardship ‘cause I love the southwest. I’ll take lots-O-pics and force them upon ‘yall.

That is all.


Friday, March 21, 2008

IT's spring!

So it's time for a more appropriate background color. Still gonna leave the reaper though as, well, we're all dying.

Only 21 days til the end of tax season and I can take a nap. Last week I worked 78 hours. That sucked. It will be really nice to go back to 5 day work weeks too.

Soon there will be a new motorcycle in the driveway and I'll be that much closer to being marriaged. The big KTM will probably not be the one. Lots O reasons but mostly $$. In order for us to have a super colossal mega fabulous honeymoon I need to save some more pennies. Did I mention that I get a month of vacation? Seriously that's nuts. This year alone I'll be able to take the honeymoon, time for the wedding, and a week on the bike. All with several days to spare.

I love my job.