Sigh. I have been waiting for broadband access for years. I have it on my phone, in my shop and pretty much everywhere I stop with my laptop, but not my house. Two seperate companies told me that I could get it here but when they tested it was a no go. Well one of them tested the other just called and told me that their antenna was not up in my "quadrant". I have a quadrant. Who knew? I can get the satellite but I have set up several corporate networks with them and they suck. They are really the last choice option. Latency is a bitch. That is the time between sending a command (clicking on a picture) and its travelling up to the satellite back down to the servers back up to the satellite and back down to you. Some areas it's as bad as two seconds and the packet failure is really gnarly. Oh wait you don't speak geek. Good for you.
The quest for

a tub continues. I found several that would work but discovered that I have to learn a hell of alot more about tile and plumbing to make this work well, as I am cursed with really high standards that means I am never satisfied with my own work, I may break down and pppppay someone to do the work. I don't really have a problem with that, if they do a good job. THe last guy who I hired to do some work for me I had to fire. Seriously what level of incompetance do you have to be at to not be able to tear out a carpet or carry a box? If I hadn't been on such a tight schedule it would have been funny, in a train wreck kind of way. I could just take all of the money and go to europe for a couple of months or spend the year riding my motorcycle around the country. Nah I think it's gonna be a new toilet and some landscaping. MY GOD AM I A WHIMP OR WHAT? My friend Shante thinks I'm nesting. I don't know what that means really but she was adamant about it. She should know she owns a toy store and so is terribly wise.
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