my day (an overview)

Let me tell you about today. After working around the house for a bit I headed over to the Alpine Shop in St. Louis. Think of it as a much nicer, locally owned REI. Their kayak guy is supposed to be really good and I wanted to talk to an expert. I have been having boat envy issues lately. I read about the Northern Forest Canoe Trail a while back and have been dreaming, literally, about paddling parts of it with Kate. The first step for me to do that is to get another boat. I sold all of my kayaks a few years ago. They were all whitewater boats and I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to do some touring and ocean paddling. That’s why this Northern Forest thing has caught my eye. It is a true wilderness trail with great portages and camping only. None of that yuppie hotel crap for me. This trip, in my mind, is all about getting out and being out in nature for a while. Well John, the kayak guy, was in fact the shit. He knew his stuff and didn’t try to dazzle me with bs. I have a woody for a new Current Designs “solstice GTS HV but it’s almost $3K and so is out of my budget. I will probably end up with a “storm” instead. It’s much the same boat but is rotomolded (plastic) not Fiberglass so isn’t quite as sexy but is a bit more heavy duty so should survive my treating it like a tool better. Also it’s half the price of the Fiberglass boat. Sam very much wants one.
Next I went to have lunch with Andrew at BB’s Jazz Blues and Soups. It’s this really nice little joint that has a good lunch and at night plays way fun music. Lunch took way too long but we had a good time. Lots of talk about W and his idiots and their defense of the ban on embryonic stem cell research. Between that and the talk of Israel and that whole can of horse shit we had quite the conversation. After that I had to head over to help my friend Mark move into his new condo. 100 degree day and he wants to do this at 1:30 in the afternoon. Not fun. Later I headed back to the house to cool off and just kind of decompress from the heat.
So that’s it. That was my day.
Venice cafe is a nice joint. I don't go there much. I'm not cool enough.
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