Oh man new toys

I have a new phone! I switched from Verizon (big pain in the ass company that screwed me on my last phone) to T-Mobile (big pain in the ass German company). Why is this cause for celebration? Why is that a big deal? Well I’m glad you asked. It’s simple. I now own a world phone (quad band GSM). That means that I can use my pone and current phone number pretty much anywhere I travel. Apparently north Sri Lanka and North Korea don’t work but I can’t see myself there anytime soon. So dear readers those of you with my phone number can bug the crap out of me this fall while I am in Florence. Did I tell you guys that I will be there for at least two months this fall/winter? I am negotiating right now for an apartment. Let’s hear it for me.

The things necessary for Italy are coming together. The apartment is in the works and I have started the lookout for research materials on the history of Florence. If you have any suggestions leave a comment and let me know. Any of you going to be in that part of the world this fall? If so let me know that too. We can grab some coffee and a chat. I have been focusing on this book and the trip pretty hard since Kate left. Well I think she left. She just sort of disappeared. Either she is breaking up with me very badly or something bad has happened. Knowing how she is with emotions I suspect I’ve been dumped. A serious bummer but hey I’m a grown-up. I’ll get over it. Still she was very groovy and I did have hopes of a future with her. Alas. Anyway I want ideas for other places and things to see in Florence and the surrounds. Hook a brother up, yo.
Toys instead of emotional baggage -- any day man. Oh yeah, check out the toy I got for my birthday (on my blog).
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