Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
total fluff
Friday, March 24, 2006
This morning I'm pissed off
Last night I watched the last 15 minutes of ER. One of the story lines involved an “honor Killing” of a young Middle Eastern woman by her brother. That got me a little pissed. Not the story, “honor killings.” I went to bed grumping about that crap. Then this morning there was a bit on NPR about women in
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Well it's finally happened. I've died.
As proof I offer up yesterday. I had to drive to
Monday, March 20, 2006
It’s official, I’m sick

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Those whacky genocidal Serbs.
Some new movies at the homestead
I bought two movies the other day. “Good night and good luck” and “a history of violence.” I have yet to see “Good night” but am really looking forward to seeing it. I think anything that lets more people learn about McCarthyism (sp?) is for sure a good thing. I have seen “A history of violence.” It is a Cronenberg film and so is disturbing as hell. I saw this in the theater and it took me about a week to make up my mind about it. I was so disturbed after it that I couldn’t separate my emotion from the artistry of it. Eventually I decided that it had been a good movie. Not because it was fun or even titillating but because it had been SO very honest in it’s portrayal of physical violence. It’s the same reason that I think “Private Ryan” is a good film. The story becomes secondary to the reality of the stage. Movie violence is almost always shown with flair. The hero makes some snide remark before dispatching the villain in with a gunshot that leads to instant death. He may have received a wound to his arm or leg in the battle but is always standing tall. Violence is not clean. It is not pretty. While the act itself may be very quick the aftermath is very long. People do not say “uuhh” and then fall over and close their eyes. They scream and cry and call out to their mothers. They die gurgling and muttering or cursing. People do no go gently. I think it is the responsibility of movie makers to show violence in a realistic way, to take away the glory of it. There is a bit form a WW2 movie that I always think of. Games Garner (a soldier who has survived some great battle) is being told that they will put up a statue to his heroism in his home town and he gets very mad. He says that is the problem. Boys grow up looking at those statues of heroes and read the names of the dead. It is all glorified and mythologized. He says that if you want to be honest show the men dying and crying out for their families. Then maybe young men won’t be so quick to run off to start a war. My favorite director, Samuel Fuller, wrote some of the great noir and war movies of the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and his masterpiece, “The big red one”, in 1980. When he was asked how moviegoers could be shown what war was like answered with this; “Take them into the theater. Put them in their seats and lower the lights. Then have a squad of soldiers come in and start killing them all.”
Friday, March 17, 2006
Meditations on Nachos
- Nachos are fantastic.
- With the advent of the microwave they became ridiculously easy to make.
- They don’t require a sporting event to enjoy (thank god).
- There is no possible way to eat them without looking like a complete pig.
- They are best eaten either alone or with people you never hope to have a romantic relationship with (refer to previous post).
- Dogs love nachos
That is all
Thursday, March 16, 2006
New siding or everything else?
The farm has fallen out of repair under my care and now that I am all healthy it’s my responsibility to repair and improve it. I plan on living here for a very long time and would like my kids (assuming) to have it if they want. So I have a lot of work to do and the one of the first steps is to get bids on the jobs I can’t do. I had some contractors out yesterday to give me a bid on residing my house. It is a small house at maybe 1250sqft. They measured and blathered on about why they were great and how fantastic their siding is. I should be more tolerant of pushy sales guys but when they double up and tag team you it just gets old fast. I told them right away what color I was looking for (deep green in a 5in clapboard look). Well when they were done I sat down and listened to the “great deal” that they had worked up for me. $10,000! To side my little farm house! Well I have roughly $8k to spend on all of the work for the farm this year so that isn’t a good start. Then they showed me the colors available. Not a green in the book. It led me to a few conclusions. I am not residing my house this year. I am doing the landscaping around the front, fencing the back yard, garden and orchard and I am re-modeling the bathroom in a big way. I may, later, also replace the flooring with some new wood. Nesting is expensive.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
OH man!
Why is it that my dogs can't eat my crappy socks? No they won't touch the 6 pair to a pack black dress socks but just go ape shit over my $10 a pair cycling socks. I used to have about two dozen different cycling socks. Those are the shit. I mean seriously I have a pair of quisp cereal socks and let us not forget the masked Mexican wrestler socks. But Jackie and now Chalie both wait until I'm asleep and then go get hold of ONE sock from each pair and tear the crap out of them. Man. I really liked the Mexican wrestler.
Deep sigh,
Et tu Brutus?
I’m a little worried to go in to the shop today. Yesterday I got a split lip. Last week I got some hate mail. What is gonna happen today? The horrible part is I know what terror awaits me today…..sales reps. That’s right TWO reps from two different companies are coming in today. Fear not I shall wear my armor when I face these great foes. (Over the top?) On the plus side my lip looks a lot better. I just sort of look purple and am not swollen at all. I heal really well. I have had a lot of practice.
Happy anniversary Caesar. Two thousand and fifty years ago Julius Caesar was whacked by his pals and enemies. Today we can partake in his celebrity by taking a breath. In this article it talks about how. The ides of March my friends….
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Seriously, what the hell?

Is it hit Sam in the face month? Today I was helping a customer put his new bike in his SUV when he decided to shove really hard. That drove the rear tire into the car and then the bike into my bottom lip. I cut my lip on my upper teeth and proceeded to squirt blood all over. Now while this isn't the first time I've been punched in the gob it is the first time in a long while. Lots of ice and a fair amount of cussing(under my breath) and it doesn't look too bad. I think I'll stay in tonight and maybe for the next few nights. This smacks of karmic payback.
this would be the harmless part
Yes I am getting a new tub. Actually I am remodeling the whole bathroom. It isn’t that big a project, he said. Really the bathroom is so small it couldn’t possibly take that much. I am sure that I will regret saying that soon. This morning while running my bath I looked at the whole mess. There is only one thing about the mess that I like, my rubber duck. How much fun is it to have a rubber ducky? I didn’t have one as a kid and only got this one at the end of my twenties. Is there a point to any of this? Well no. I just wanted to post a pic of my rubber ducky. You can sing the rubber ducky song to yourself.
Pie anyone?
It’s national pie day! The nice woman on NPR just announced that fact a little bit ago. I immediately thought of apple but was informed it was, in fact, the mathematical pie. Apparently it’s a big to-do with some folks. Good for them. I for one plan on telling everyone today. Sure it isn’t as much fun as talk like a pirate day but hey I’ll take it.
Why the ultra trivial today? It’s simple, the other stories on NPR were terrifying and just plain depressing. So I am avoiding thinking about the war(s), the largest capital case in
Monday, March 13, 2006
the quest she is not so good, eh?

Sigh. I have been waiting for broadband access for years. I have it on my phone, in my shop and pretty much everywhere I stop with my laptop, but not my house. Two seperate companies told me that I could get it here but when they tested it was a no go. Well one of them tested the other just called and told me that their antenna was not up in my "quadrant". I have a quadrant. Who knew? I can get the satellite but I have set up several corporate networks with them and they suck. They are really the last choice option. Latency is a bitch. That is the time between sending a command (clicking on a picture) and its travelling up to the satellite back down to the servers back up to the satellite and back down to you. Some areas it's as bad as two seconds and the packet failure is really gnarly. Oh wait you don't speak geek. Good for you.
The quest for

Lots of stuff this morning.
New Sandals for me!
Yesterday I finally had to admit that my much loved Tevas were past it. I really like those sandals. Well I checked online and found their replacement at REI in
Republican nutjobs on NPR
Hello mom
The quest for a new bathtub
Where was the moment when things changed so very much? I used to sit and read about new motorcycles or maybe a new rifle. Nowadays it’s things like re-facing the kitchen cabinets and whether an island would fit. Henry Rollins used to talk about domesticide. That may be it. It may just be that I took a bit longer to grow up than I’d like to admit.
Dust bunnies of doom
I am off to quest for a tub.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Selling a used car sucks
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The joy of bananas

I love bananas. Perhaps it is a vestigial monkey-man thing. Maybe it's just the fact that all cyclists love bananas. I don't much care. Why not? 'Cause I loves me some bananas. I am eating one now. They have thier own carrying case. They are just the potassium bomb. They make for some seriously tasty bread. Why yes it would be my favite dessert. Thanks for asking. HOw can one not love bananas? We must hunt down these banana haters. We must expose them to the (yellow)light of justice.
I have a black eye!
Sam (punchy)
It is a few hours later and I have found a new use for Boca Burgers (veggie burgers). They work quite well as an anti-inflamitory. So now I just look like me with a bit of a hang-over. You just gotta love life.
A weekend of Comedy

Eddie Izzard is going to be on BBC America sunday night. If you don't know who he is you need to watch this and find out. If you do, well then I don't need to tell you to watch. This is all the justification I need to have my satellite dish.
Dress to Kill, Sunday, March 12th at 9pm et/pt and Circle, Sunday, March 17th at 11pm et/8pm pt.
Lately the first thing I do every morning is sit at this laptop and check my mail then immediately start writing this stuff. I realize it isn't anything important and that with the exception of my friend FROGS more than likely I'm talking to myself. That's ok with me. I'm having fun and it's cheaper than a shrink. The light is just right this morning to show off my favorite tree. Yes I have a favorite tree. It's this giant white thing about 70 yards into my woods. It's just so very there in the sea of brown. What does that have to do with anything....not a damned thing. Today I am going with some friends to see ultraViolet. This is another in the long series of horrible movies that we see for the fun/horror effect. Should I survive I will tell the tale here. If not, well I would like lots of attractive women to wail and cry.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Fun with puddles!!
The woman who runs the antique shop next door just came running over and said; "Let's make paper boats and play in the big puddle out back!" So we did. I lost the race to basically a flat piece of paper. Again I have to say.... I love my job.
Incase you hadn't noticed I have a lot of time during the off season to write. That is especialy true during the week. On weekends it still gets fairly busy around here. That will all change in a few weeks when the season starts up again. But 'til then I do a lot of writing and some construction on our new showroom. It's very big and wondermus.
Kegamusha is on tv right now! Oh happy me.
My email runneth over...but not in a good way
Lately I have been watching my mail like a hawk and have discovered a few things. People for the
There is a great storm going on outside and it sounds fantastic. Big dragonesque BOOMS and Grum Grum sounds. The shop building is really old and fairly small so it shakes when big storms come through. Very fun.
birds are loud at 6 AM
I slept with the windows in my bedroom open so I could hear the sounds of the world outside. Last night it was very peaceful, frogs chirping and a gentle rain. This morning was more of the same but with lots and lots of birds. I like to hear the birdcalls but man are they loud. I have this idea that a group of them sits outside my window and yells in to see how long it will take to wake me. You know typical neighbor kid stuff. Still not a bad alarm clock.
I'm sitting here with two dogs piled together and a cat purring/sleeping on my right foot. How cool would it be if dogs purred? That would be hilarious. Of course it would probably wake me up at night, two jackhammers in the bed.
Time for breakfast.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

When the surgeons were cutting my throat every six weeks or so for two and a half years I got several infections. One of them, we think, killed my thyroid. I mean dead. That didn’t get noticed until about 8 months after my final surgery. And then they just gave me these huge doses of synthroid until my levels (TSH) were good. Then I started feeling very anxious and downright grumpy and short tempered all the time. My employees were not happy. Well I started training with a heart rate monitor. (they are great and everyone who is serious about their progress should do it.) That let me know that my heart rate was WAAAY to high. I was at 80% max (90 bpm)just resting, compared to my usual 60 that was not ok. I just thought it was due to the fact that I had gained 30lbs with the thyroid imbalance. All while riding 250+ miles a week. Just imagine how freaking huge I would be if I hadn’t ridden. Well one day while chasing
Life is still good it’s just been a really hard day.
The frogs are chirping outside in the ponds and it's nice enough to have a window open. So all in all my world really is fairly good.
some mornig stuff
For some reason I just can’t get going this morning. I’m not tired and don’t have any onerous task awaiting me. I just can’t seem to fire up the motor. That is probably a sign that spring is here. I always get this strange energy suck for about two weeks when the winter comes and then again when it goes. Always been that way. Somewhere there is probably a study that explains it. Hey the propane truck is here! Yippee I will have heat for the…rest…of…the…winter. Garumph. Oh well. The light today is very interesting. The browns seem much brighter than the greens. Fun. You see what I mean. My motor is just sort of idling. Well when I can’t think strait it’s time for a story.
Never get off the boat.*
The other day I had to run into the city for a bit and decided to stop at Del Taco. It is my very favorite crap food/fast food. I picked up the love of all things Del Taco when I was living in LA. I went to the one that used to be a Naugles on grand. It’s this very odd round drive through joint. Much fun. You are always guaranteed a floor show there too as it is IN the city. Well this time was no exception. When I pulled up there was this couple standing out front. They were in their late teens, white and very animated. He looked more redneck than gangster but she looked like she had watched way to many Solid Gold reruns. They both had the weird posture and movements of tweakers, very quick direction changes and wild head and arm movements. I had to walk through them to get at my spicy chicken burrito magic inside. They locked on to me and followed me in…about three inches off my ass. The little defensive situation man inside my brain went on high alert. It is best to have them in front of you, just in case. Well there was a line and the booths were full of winos, most with an obvious mental issue of some sort. There were a lot of single person conversations going on. Think Cuckoo’s Nest. Fun in the land of weird? Most of the older winos clearly had some neurological issues, go figure, there were a lot of tremors and balance issues. I also noticed that they were buying lots of sodas and shakes. Must be a sugar thing I don’t know about. Anyway, I order my food and the junkie family robinson is still glued to my ass. I get a break from them when they have to decide what to order. Wow, that was something to see. The order changed at least twelve times in under a minute. They then decided that the lone free booth was a better place to wait for their order than standing behind me…hooray. They then went into a long, loud conversation that they apparently thought no one else could hear. It was very convoluted and jumped around a lot but the gist of it was that the woman behind the counter, all 4’9” 300lbs of her, was a narc and that the manager was probably a, wait for it here, priest. WOW. Well my spicy chicken burrito and I got the hell out of that little theater and went home to share with the dogs. Never get off the boat.
Holy crap I’m gonna be late for the shop.
*Quote from Apocalypse Now. When after almost being killed by a tiger while looking for mangos, Chef comes running out of the jungle and jumps onto the safety of the PBR. Chef turns it into a manta.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Funny how the mind works

Late last night or early this morning, whichever. I was outside with the dogs for their nightly, chilly, festival of peeing. I hadn't remembered to put my glasses on so it was extra fuzzy and dreamlike. Well I was looking up at the stars. It was so clear and there isn't any light pollution out here so they were right HERE, if you follow. I saw one, perhapse a planet, that caught my eye. I was wondering what it was when I heard myself say. "I bet Kate knows." I then had a short conversation with myself....outloud, in my pjs, in the dark, staring up at the sky, about not getting ahead of myself and "geting a grip." It was a bit like two people talking (don't think psychotic, think Id - Ego). The gist of it was that I just sort of went "well ok then". I went back in and after I had gotten under the covers and the dogs were properly spread about the bed, there is always some position jealousy, I just smiled and went to sleep.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Furry alarm clocks

Well there are good ways to wake up and bad ways. That anoying digital clock "meeep meeep" is probably my least favorite. This morning, as many mornings, I was pulled from the land of nod by Charlie standing on me and making "mrp, mrp" noises. That gets his ears scratched which ellicits the jealousy response from Jackie leading to a dog pile....on me. It's kind of nice waking up to big furry alarm clocks that are just saying "get up! we love you! We have to pee!" After a few minutes of furious belly scratching it's outside time. The simple life is good.
Another interesting dog note this am. Charlie watched me shave my head this morning. When I am all lathered up, face and head, the effect is a bit like some Mideval guard with a mail hood but mine is made of shaving foam. It really is funny to look at. Well Charlie didn't get it. He knew that when I had closed the door it was my head but when I opened it to clear the fogged mirror he saw me in full foam and looked at me like I was a mix between a steak and a pocupine. He was visibly relieved when I spoke to him. Dogs are fun.
Off to work.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Nina Simone is the shit
I have spoken.
Oh happy me.
I am really in a good mood this morning. It isn't related to anything here but I wanted to say it anyway. I have a big consulting check coming in a few weeks and am thinking about fencing in all of the back yard. It’s about ¾ of an acre. It would be really nice to have a place the dogs could run during the day. I’m also thinking about re-roofing the milk house and remodeling the bathroom. As I do all of the labor, with the help of my friends, I may be able to pull it off. Or I may not. Time to get back to working on the farm and house. I really want it to be the jewel it was, with my twist, when I was a kid. Also the garage really needs to be insulated and dry walled. Right now it just is a giant storage shed, impossible to do any real work in there. There is no room to work on my motorcycles or bicycles. Oh and let’s not forget the BMW 525i that I have parked in my space. That thing has got to go. If anybody wants it $800 will take it away. Please? anyone?
MY CAT SNORES I don’t have a story here, he just does.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Nucular strategerie
Fearless leader was on the radio this morning. I couldn’t turn it off from the bathtub. He was blah blah blah about
I’m gonna’ go play with my dogs.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Wet dogs and wandering thoughts

This fine evening Jackie has shown Charlie the joy of running in the creek. Yes I have a creek that runs through the woods next to the house. Jackie, all black lab all the time, is soaked. Charlie is just muddy on his paws and wet on his legs. It's my fault that they needed more time to be nuts. I skipped my afternoon ride and played ball with them for over an hour. Not really with both of them but with Jackie. She lives to chase a ball. Charlie doesn't get the whole ball thing. He mostly just runs back and forth following Jackie. Exciting fucking life I lead isn't it? Yeah well I like it.
This year I have a couple of good trips planned.