I have to share this link
things I write and you read
Ok here's the deal. I know I have been neglecting my posting and correspondence lately. I have been ridiculously busy with bike season and other things. First I’ll tell you about the new work thing. I have decided not to go and take a contractor job overseas. I can make more money here and there isn’t the whole roadside bomb business. There was a bit of a shakeup at the shop and I won’t be running it after this season. Instead I will be taking an IT job for a faceless behemoth corporation for a ridiculous amount of money. Yes I am a hypocrite. I can earn some serious money in just a year and then move on to the next thing. Also my buddy Jack (hey Jack) and I are looking at doing a business together. We are both ferociously focused and mission/goal oriented so it could be much fun. Other things you ask? I have been doing the internet dating thing this year. Very funny and fun by the way. I met an amazing woman. Meghan. She is just fantastic and Sam very much likes. (some 3rd person for ya) She is far smarter than me, funny, beautiful, dorky, fun and lots more. We have almost identical politics and are both ardent atheists. (sorry frogs) What else?...she really is fantastic. She’s sane and just as happy to be in this thing as I am. We have been dating for a while now and recently decided to just see each other. I've never dated anyone who it felt this way with before.
It’s really great. So it begs the statement “Man am I glad that Kate dumped me!” Alright that’s enough of that.
I don’t know if I will be able now to go to