It's Halloween week!!

I have a few things to comment on today:
a) Ok I admit it. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Well actually it's the only holiday I like much at all. Sure Thanksgiving is nice. mmmmm...triptofan. But really how do you not just go ape-shit over Halloween. As my lovely and talented fiancee Patience has told me, with several of her female PhD friends, Halloween is an opportunity to look "sexy". Now I am not gonna argue against that as I get to the bulk of the benefits on that one. Look it's a great excuse to dress like a fool and not have anyone care. Good times! I am not doing any great costuming this year, sadly, do to my lack of $$ 'til after Christmas (a holiday that sucks ass). But I will still be enjoying it a stupid amount. Living where I do, just down the road from the middle of nowhere, I don't get trick-or-treaters and that's kind of a bummer for me. I would love to be able to be the "scary house" in the neighborhood. I don't have a neighborhood. I have woods and fields. That means I don't get to use things like these great flamingos. Oh well.
2) I have been paying a lot more attention to my site statistics lately. It's interesting to see where in the world you people are sitting while reading this nonsense. That leads me to this observation. My dad spends to much time on his computer. (Hi Dad.) Now I've known that both of my parents look at my blog, they've told me so often enough, but it's different when you are confronted with the actual number of hits. Something about its being measured and written down makes it impossible to treat as an abstract thought. Not unlike saying "people do hit a lot of deer" vs. actually hitting a deer. It is gorily real.
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