Sunday, September 17, 2006

Home soon?

Today I headed down to my mom’s farm to get some time in visiting before I head home and to work my way through the laundry list of things that she needs worked on. There is a lot to do but today we just drove to a nearby town to get some hardware for the wood stove. It needs to be re-gasketed and the pipe leading into the chimney needs to be cleaned/replaced. That is some of tomorrow’s work. We also cut some weeds (mom) and trimmed some bushes (me). I played with the idiots a lot too. I have really missed having my dogs around and it’s nice to be able to play with them again. Charlie is sitting by my feet right now and Jackie is out in the hall by the door snoring. Good stuff. I know I promised everyone a big catch up post but it will have to wait a bit longer. There is just so much to do and I leave for Vegas on Monday. I still have to drive across the country and move all of my stuff back into my house on Friday.

Oh hey Meghan is doing a writing project. She is writing a Haiku a day for a year and I made her a blog (Haiku Zoo) to share them with the world. I am going to put a link to down in the links section but here’s a shortcut for now. I have to admit that Haiku’s baffle me but so what. Everyone should have some form of artistic creativity in their life. I have my writing and some funky computer guy stuff. How much do I like having a girlfriend who writes? That’s rhetorical.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY!! There is a Coca Cola store in vegas...You know whos birthday is coming up!!...hehe

11:18 AM  

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